I have an approach which is like a scientist or a mathematician, in which I break all things down and put the science to it. As I always say, almost all things are just a math, it has a rule and way it exists, and anyone who can apply this to themselves will see the result. It’s not as mystical as many have tried to make it, it has a science behind it.

Dhyan Vimal Institute For Higher Learning
The Next Step of YouThe Institute offers a place for you to undertake the study of yourself for yourself. The courses offered deliver the learning, disciplines and awareness one needs to actualise the promise of what one can be. All courses are based on the teachings of Dhyan Vimal, and are available in different forms of study ranging from weekend facilitated courses to online self-study programmes.
To be in deep mastery, not to wait for others to do, but to learn to be independent and to live in such excellence.
Port Dickson, Malaysia 2003

This is the truth - when the real is met and lived, at the end, it’s enlightenment. And with this, one must keep in mind that enlightenment is not something outside of you that you add to you, it’s the peak of you living you out, it’s you at the end, the very end.
Millennium Place, Whistler, Canada October 2007

We are using the inner to deal with the outer, the outer to complement the inner. You go out and become a millionaire without forsaking your inner growth, your peace. You go through your inner peace without forsaking the wealthy person outside. You are bringing all of it together.
PAL Studio Theatre, Vancouver, Canada January 2009

The disciple has to undertake studying, as part of his exercise and meditation. To really study, not just to be informed but to study, to spend time really exploring and investigating for oneself. This is what gives you the strength to stand alone in the learning one has undertaken, and the realisation one has come to.
Colombo, Sri Lanka January 2017

The exercise is to develop a deep understanding of all things in regard to one’s self, to be able to recognise and realise without great difficulty. Many masters speak to awaken a deeper understanding of one's self and how one is operating.
Colombo, Sri Lanka January 2017

Real awakening happens by studying. Until your brain hits it, you are living off assumptions.
Stockholm, Sweden May 2017